Operation Rescue Ready (New Building Fund)

Operation Rescue Ready

Over the past 20 years, our team has grown to support the expanding population of Butte County. Five years ago, our team had just three response vehicles. Now that number has more than tripled. Our current headquarters offers just 3000 sq ft of equipment storage and the team has outgrown its current location.

We are in need of a parcel of land with room to construct a new HQ capable of housing all of our equipment while keeping response times low.

Our team has always relied on the generosity and support of our local community. We have been through so much together – devastating wildfires, spillway failures, and winters that have brought entire towns to a halt. You have supported us through it all and enabled us to continue to focus on what matters most: saving lives.

We envision our new facility as a hub for Search and Rescue training and equipment storage as well as a location for community disaster preparedness education.